No Really, there is a purpose for this particular blog.
I take the turn of the new year very seriously. It seems to be the most Rational time to Reassess what you have accomplished in the last year, and what you want to achieve in the year to come. Some people make Resolutions, but in all Reality - I would say only about 10% of those Resolutions are actualized. The New Year's Resolution seems to be a socially acceptable form of self-disappointment and masochism. I don't buy into it. Personally, I would be a Royal idiot if I assumed I could make a decision in January and hold true until December. It makes no Realistic sense - plus twelve months seems like a long time to accomplish something you are so Resolved about you felt the need to declare it to the world. Just do it already!!!
Hence, I spend several days alone around the turn of the new year. I wanted to isolate, Revel in my own thoughts, tap into my true essence, and assorted other lofty, idealistic notions. I made a few important and painful decisions that will affect the next year of my life. Nothing worth having comes easy though, Right? Now all I have to do is stave off the self-doubt for a while...
BACK TO THE POINT!!! I have determined I want to accomplish twelve different things this year (at least). Every month of 2011, I will set a new goal for myself to accomplish. This serves many purposes in my life:
1) I get an excuse to dedicate Ridiculous amounts of time to whatever I want without judgement
2) I have twelve challenges, which means I have a higher likelihood of success
3) I am not stuck with one idea I found important in January (which probably won't matter in June)
4)I get to take an adventure with myself, for myself, invented by myself, for the betterment (and amusement) of myself. Perhaps it's selfish in theory, but I don't see it playing out that way.
January - I have decided to not update my Facebook. I want to try and disconnect from the social network and get back to socializing in a more conventional way.
February - The month of love. I have decided to connect with every friend I love and find special in my life. I might make gifts, I will probably do a lot of bar nights with my companions, I might write heartfelt letters. I want to spread the love I have been given. TO MY FRIENDS
March - Weight-loss challenge. Details TBD
That's as far as I got. I Realized that it would negate my foundational purpose if I set all my Resolutions now. There are many things I want to do, project I want to undertake, changes I want to make, and things I want to discover about myself. 2011 is going to be MY year
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