The holiday season is not my favorite time of year. I am not a Christian, or a Jew, or black, or whomever else get a celebratory day this time of year. I celebrate the NEW YEAR! Horray! I made it through the last one, and I get another365 days to create chaos. It's a wonderful celebration. But back to the obligatory Christmas crap I have been pressured into putting up with and participating in. It all began with the Dickens' Village. My mother has been nagging me to take these collectibles from my childhood and put them on display in my super-sweet pad. My first concession of the season...

Then came the Tuesday before Christmas, and all through my house, creatures were stirring (cookie batter) but I didn't see a mouse! Carie came over and I made cookies to give to my neighbors in the ol' folks home.. However, I am not an expert in the kitchen. But I figured, we have supplies and the internet - what could go wrong??
Well, in true Xmas fashion, shit went wrong. I can break and bake some TollHouse cookies all day, but when it came time for me to actually make cookie batter.... Well first there was the brown sugar incident. I learned that brown sugar is not supposed to be in rock form. And I broke my only bowl in my furious frenzy to mash down my sugar rocks. Ok - one batter down the drain. Then I tried my hand at chocolate chip cookies, using the brown sugar crumbs and some water. I followed the recipe (I thought) and off to the oven went 30 some chocolate chip treats. In a moment of pure genius, I told Carie that we ought to try these before we package them, just in case they taste like ass....And they did taste like ass. They can only be described as chocolate chip cake-textured rocks. But I was out of supplies and short on time, so off the ass-cookies went to the frosting station (everything is better with frosting) and into the festive tins and beautiful handmade snowflake cards. I even had to add a few store-bought cookies to make up for the ones I burned. Great success!!!!

I posted a picture of this tin because my cat promptly ate the paper snowflake the moment she was left alone with it. It took Carie three tries to get the perfect pot/heart snowflake! At least the moment can be treasured forever... on my blog. Happy Holiday (whichever one you celebrate)
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