I am in vicious denial over the creeping seasonal mood change. It's way too early! My excitement for fall has been stiffed by my hermit-esque lifestyle coupled with stress from every angle. This stress, this anxiety, this depression is ricocheted back and forth inside my mind, like some crazy light reflecting in a house of mirrors. I am not a suitable candidate for "pulling oneself out of it". I really have very little control over my mental health, contrary to what most people might believe.. My hate receptors are awakened. I spent my summer surrounded by beautiful people, having wonderful experiences and being joyful in the sunshine with the ones I love. No hate, no time for worries or self-doubt. No time to be bothered by gnawing insecurities that scream at me amidst all these beautiful people. I was filled with love and some of that splattered over onto my self-image. I feel like I have set myself up for a fucking disaster when the pink cloud crashes into the muddy earth.
That sad weeping girl inside me is always right when it comes to this stuff. I am delusional. I am not one of the beautiful people! My life is punctuated by periods of oscillating self worth. I am the person consumed by self-hatred six months out of the year. I compare, I hate, I fall short, I agonize, I scrutinize, I hate, I cut, I drink, I hate, I drink, I drink, I drink. And just when I think I couldn't hate myself more, I have a brief moment of exo-perspective and I realize all the people around me that are blackened by my hate for myself.
My self-esteem is a joke and maybe that's for the best though. Masochism and pain are somehow more inspirational and moving than a "healthy" self image. Nothing ever gets accomplished creatively when I actually believe in myself.
***This blog is not open for rebuttal, not a fishing expedition for contradiction***